Pre Matrimonial Investigation Services in Delhi NCR


Do you really need Pre Matrimonial investigation Services Has as your spouse told you they do not love you anymore. If you have 3 minutes, then I will share a story of Shelly and Garima, a married couple who should have divorced, but instead yesterday celebrated their 12th year anniversary and swear it feels like their honeymoon.

On October 17, 2019 I received a call from Shelly. He could barely talk because the emotions continued to choke him up. He told me it felt like someone had both hands pressing against his throat.

He could barely breathe… detectives in Delhi

Pre Matrimonial Investigation services- Before Shelly called me he had just got off the phone with his wife Garima. She-delivered-the-crushing-news-that-she-did-not-love-him-anymore-and-did-not-see-the-point-in-continuing-their-11-year-marriage-with-a-9-year-old-daughter-Swati-and-a-5-year-old-son-Hitesh. After Shelly left for work, Garima gathered up the two kids and headed 2 hours south to stay with her mother. Pre Matrimonial investigation services.

Shelly knew that his wife was not happy with their relationship; however, he never imagined that she would actually leave him. She+argued+frequently+that+his+attempts+to+change+were+usually+short+lived+and+shallow; nothing he ever did really had an effect on making her happy.

And to add to Shelly’s confusion, all of his friends told him that Garima was a typical woman, someone who could never be truly satisfied, a hungry pit that could never fill itself. investigation agency in Delhi search by google

As-a-result, he-never-connected-with-what-the-real-problem-was. He never took the time to understand what was going wrong.

Like most of us, he chose denial over reality which resulted in losing the most important thing that he ever found … love.

What went wrong?

Our Pre Matrimonial investigation Services

Our Forensic detective agency is a best pre matrimonial investigation service agency in Delhi. Following given list is to be verify.


  • Nature/ Behavior
  • Character
  • Family Status
  • Financial Status
  • Past Relation (If Any)
  • Employment Business
  • Habits
  • Medical History

Q. Somehow Can we verify details of Indian origin person who has citizenship of another country through embassy for marriage purpose

Ans. Yes, You can be verified these details from a reliable private detective agency near you. Embassies directly would not consider to civilian. That work could be done by a Best Detective agency. You can contact us any time to verify your issue.

Q. After annulling the registry marriage if girl or boy apply for new registry marriage with different person at th verification time any one wil get to kno about previous registry marriage?

Ans. In Hindu Marriage Act 1955. A marriage would be null and void if any of the person having previous spouse. It means the new marriage is not possible by rule but we are living in 3rd generation and Everything is possible in this new age. but if you found guilty then this marriage will get null void from legal and would not be an authorised to get right to remarriage.

Q. Can girl’s verification be done ever after the marriage or should it only done before marriage under ch?

Ans. It is better to verify a girl before marriage. This types of work is done by private detective agencies and this detective service name is pre marriage verifivation. You can approach a reliable private detective agency in Delhi, so that you can proof that your pre partner is right for you and would be go long with you.

Q. I have received proposal of marriage from Canadian citizen of Indian origin how to verify his credentials?

Ans. You can verify your partner in Canada by just approaching a Detective Agency. We are a Forensic Detectives, also serve pre marriiage verification in Canada. We will provide the given things about the subject (partnet, family). Our charges are competitive and can be fit your expectations. Call Now.

Q. We got intercaste marriage and registered for marriage certificate Now we want to know for address verification will be done to female R Male.

In Hindu Marriage Act 1955. It does not matter that you get intercast marriage but should not be inter-religious marriage. If you done inter-cast marriage, then not to vary about anything. You should be a legal age tender Your address verification will be done by itself.

But you are going to inter-relious marriage then it is a little different to do an inter-religious marriage in court. You should contact a marriage lawyer and asked about the requirements, it will suggest you, how you can do this inter-religious marriage in court?

Shelly’s situation appeared to be hopeless to him,

(but not to me…)


Because this is not the first time I have see this.

I told Shelly that what was going on is not uncommon and that I did not believe his marriage was over.

He cursed me when I told him that.

‘How-can-you-tell-me-that-I-can-save-my-marriage-when-my-wife-already-left? It’s over, that’s what she told me.’

‘“If-that-were-true, then-why-did-you-call-me?’ I responded.

The truth, I told him, is that you are in a lot of pain right now and your hopelessness is coming from not knowing what to do.

What Shelly needed was a plan

(a plan to save his marriage and his family…)

The best thing he could do is become serious about something he had been neglecting his entire life. The problem was not Garima, the problem was inside of Shelly, and it was there before he ever met Garima.

That really caught his attention.

You see, I did not believe that Garima really wanted to end the marriage. Even though I had never met or spoken to her I knew it was not over.

I know in most cases it’s not over.

Shelly needed to do something different. Most of his life he did the same thing expecting different results. This is the definition of insanity.

Almost everyone in Shelly’s situation asks the question, ‘Okay, I’m ready to fix this … where do I begin?’

If you’re serious about Saving Your Marriage,

then you need begin by dealing with two realities…

First of all, the reality that you need to successful deal with your existing problem. For example, how Shelly will handle Garima’s separation from him.

Second, the reality that there is a deeper issue here. Garima left because there is a deep problem that needs to be uncovered and solved. Solve that, and you have a happy marriage. (More on that later in a second)

Back to the first reality…


When it comes to saving their marriage

This is where most people blow it…

After many people find out that their spouse left, or stated that they do not love them anymore, many of us do four destructive things.

These four things not only make matters worse, but many times push the other spouse even farther away and closer to the divorce.

Here are the four things that Shelly fortunately avoided doing after Garima left:

1) Begging Garima to come home

2) Telling her he’ll change

3) Calling her frequently

4) Making her feel guilty for tearing up the family

It was important for Shelly to resist the temptation to fall into these and many other common defenses after Garima left.

If he wanted to save his marriage he knew he needed to avoid making the situation even worse. What he needed to do was to validate her feelings and be very careful about pushing her any further away.

Here’s the problem with these four almost too common mistakes…

Common Mistake Number One…

First of all, if Garima wanted to come home she would not have left in the first place.

Asking her to come home would only invalidate her. It would tell her that she does not have the right tobe honest about her unhappiness and do something about it.

It would tell her that she is not okay.

Instead here is what Shelly told her when they talked two days later. (He gave her 48 hours to be alone – again very important)

‘I understand why you left. You have been asking for a change for 11 years and I have not given it to you. I am sorry. You have every right to be unhappy and I understand why you went to your mothers.’

He confirmed that he did not want a divorce, and he understood that very serious changes were needed and he did not blame her for leaving.

That’s all he said to her.

Instead of breaking down, he asked to talk to the children. He reaffirmed to his two children that everything would be fine and that he loved them very much and he would come down on the weekend and take them to the park.

Never did he blame their mother and never did he stop being a father.

Common Mistake Number Two…

Second, telling someone you will change after 11 years feels fake. They know you are desperate. And desperation is unappealing. Garima wants a strong man.

A man who is confident, aware of his needs and her needs.

So, Shelly never made the claim that he ‘will change’ or ‘is changing’. Instead he decided that the best thing he could do is move forward and implement the tools he learned in our step-by-step marriage saving system.

How did it work?

Read an excerpt from Garima’s letter to us.

‘…It was very strange to me. I saw something in Shelly that I had never observed before, a confident humility. The result of it was a softer more compassionate person both towards himself and his family.

At first I was a little skeptical. However, after 9 weeks I started to accept this change. The way he approached me and the children was different. For the first time…’ (More from this letter later)

Common Mistake Number Three.

The third thing Shelly avoided was calling Garima frequently.

He knew that she was controlling the situation right now. He could either fight it or submit to it. So he made a decision to call every night to talk with the children (again, still taking his role as a father very seriously) and only talked with Garima if she wanted to talk.

If she initiated the conversation he engaged. If she wanted to argue, he would let her vent her frustrations without attacking her.

He learned how to open her up, getting her to talk by asking open ended questions. A new skill he learned on page 104 of our Saving Your Marriage Made Remarkably Simple System. Find post matrimonial investigation agency in new Delhi

This was something that he never learned how to do; his father and all the other men in his family were very withdrawn. Very few of them were good at communicating or expressing themselves. Or worse, none of them ever did a good job at helping anyone else feel comfortable or vulnerable.

His entire life he thought that this was normal, but after going through our Marriage Saving System, he learned it was anything but not normal, it was a terrible dysfunction.

A dysfunction he fixed. (More on that in a minute.)

Common Mistake Number Four… detective agency in Delhi India

The fourth issue he decided to avoid was to make Garima feel guilty for tearing up the family.

Garima was not perfect. He knew that, and she acknowledged the fact. However, Shelly decided to take responsibility for his own problems. By living in that reality he became compassionate towards Garima and never used the children to make her feel guilty.

By avoiding these four destructive habits, Shelly made it a lot easier for Garima to see the changes in his life.


Because doing any one of the four things I mentioned usually makes the other person defensive and that is the last thing you want to do. He avoided stirring up negative emotions.

So on to the second reality.

How did Shelly solve the deeper problem…

Shelly took my advice and invested his time in our new step-by-step marriage saving system. best detective agency in new Delhi

For almost a year we researched every major problem married couples have and then together worked with three of the country’s leading marriage and family counselors. With 76 years of combined experience among these top counselors and thousands of saved marriages, we were able to put together a system that saves marriages.

Shelly started at the very beginning of our marriage saving system (over 200 pages of practical tools, steps and methods that work) and used our companion workbook to fix his problems.

Here are just a few of the things Shelly Learned:

  • How to understand what the real problem is…
  • Where our problems come from and how to fix them…
  • Learning how to fix and eliminate destructive patterns…
  • A blueprint for a healthy marriage – what it should look like…
  • 5 steps for creating a plan for a healthy marriage…
  • How to connect emotionally…
  • How to bring the spark back into the marriage (7 powerful needs we have)…
  • Surviving an abusive marriage…
  • How to eliminate painful fighting…
  • What to do when your spouse is jealous and how to eliminate it…
  • How to restore the trust after your spouse cheats on you…
  • 10 steps for building an intimate marriage…

Q. court me certificate verify kaise hoti h and kitne din me milti h kon verify krta h marriage certificate koo

Ans. यह एक बहोत छोटा process हैं और 7 दिन में इसकी एक प्रतिलिपि आपको प्राप्त हो जाती हैं. सिर्फ आपको सम्बंधित Registrar of Marriages के संपर्क में जाना होता हैं, जहा विवाह संपन्न हुआ हो. इसके लिए कुछ fees का भी प्रावधान हैं जिसका मूल्य तक़रीबन Rs.50 से Rs.100 के बीच हैं.

To say the least Shelly was as desperate and he was skeptical. ‘How can you be so confident that you will save my marriage, even after my spouse left?’

I told him this…I am so confident that I tell everyone who invests in our system that if it did not work, I

will return 100% of their money.

Here was his response.

‘With a claim like that, if it didn’t work, I guess you wouldn’t be in business…’

Not only that, I told him if he were to spend the time to go to a marriage counselor (even though we strongly encourage it) he would have spend at least 100 hours uncovering what we systematically outline.

What was the result?

Well, read a letter I received from Garima last Thursday.

Dear Deepak and Siddharth,

Yesterday Shelly and I celebrated our 12th year anniversary. As I looked at my husband across from the dinner table I could not believe the change I saw.

For 11 years I knew there was a deep problem in our marriage. I knew I had a lot of issues and I knew my husband had many walls, but we could never get through them.

We tried the occasional counselor, but no one ever connected to the main problem, which was inside of us. I got to the point where I gave up hope and told myself I was not going to love this man anymore because the pain was far too cutting, it was to much to handle. detective agency in west Delhi

So, after I left and then found out that my husband was working to save the marriage I was mad. I was mad at you. When I came home and saw your book and workbook, inside I knew that if I consented to work on the marriage that I would just get let down once again.

However, this time was different it was very strange to me. I saw something in Shelly that I had never observed before, a confident humility. Find more about detective agencies in Delhi for pre matrimonial investigation services.

The result of it was a softer more compassionate person both towards himself and his family. At first I was a little skeptical. However, after 9 weeks I started to accept this change. The way he approached me and the children was different.

For the first time in many years I started to feel connected to my husband. I could see that there was something going on inside of him. Something that changed him. pre matrimonial investigation services in Delhi NCR

No one has ever been able to do that in him, but the way you worked your system together opened his eyes.

It also opened my eyes too. After being separated for 14 weeks we decided to work it out. After I got home he showed me your workbook. I could barely read it because there were so many notes.

Fortunately, I was able to download a new copy off your site.

After seeing the change in him, I decided to go through your program too.

The result was a change in me as well.

It’s been almost four months since I left, and I never want to re-live that nightmare again.

What the two of you did was simply amazing. Shelly and I appreciate the time, sensitivity and compassion that you showed to us. It was very evident through your writing and personal stories that you care.

Shelly and I are now living a new marriage, better than before – find matrimonial investigations in Delhi

Thanks again and God bless you both, Garima Delhi, India

So, as you can see, it is possible to save your marriage – even if you are the only one who wants to and it appears hopeless.

It appeared hopeless to Shelly. detectives in Delhi

Saving your marriage is not magic. It’s simply learning how to meet the needs of your spouse and doing that is not difficult. However for most of us, we need direction.

And that is what we do with our new marriage saving system called Saving Your Marriage Made Remarkably Simple.

We go through each of the necessary steps to saving your marriage and give you easy to understand practical advice you can use today.

Also, if you use our system and it does not work, then simply email us and we will refund your money. No hard feelings and to thank you for trying, we will even let you keep the instant download and all the bonuses.

Why are we willing to do this? Matrimonial detective agency

Because we are in the business of saving marriages.

Here is how you can start saving your marriage like Shelly and Garima, even if it appears hopeless.

You will get instant access to our secure site and access our marriage saving system and all of our bonuses.

Click below to read more about all the bonus material and start saving your marriage.

Warm Regards, Best Pre Matrimonial investigation services in Delhi NCR


P.S. Be one of the next 20 people to take advantage of this special offer, and you will receive these special bonuses, for ordering today:

  1. Bonus # 1 ‘Tips To Create A Happy Healthy Relationship: 5 Ways to Build Trust, Passion and Romance’
  2. Bonus # 2: ’61 Powerful Techniques to Connect Emotionally’
  3. Bonus # 3: ‘Stop Fighting: Powerful Skills And Strategies to Avoid Fighting And Remove The Anger From Your Relationship’ (female detectives)
  4. Bonus # 4: ‘Eliminate the Jealousy And Replace It With Trust.


Matrimonial Detective Agency in Delhi (Matrimonial Detective, Matrimonial Investigation)

Address: Pusa Rd, Block 9A, WEA, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, Delhi 110005                                    Phone No.: 9958045226, 9811875665                                                                      Website:

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Best Detectives

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